Year: 2021

Mobile Location Data

Reach Your Customers Where They Are In today’s world our cell phones are nearly an extension of ourselves. For most people, they are in our pockets, or within reach at all times. With technology embedded in our phones and mobile devices we can be tracked extremely closely, usually within meters of our physical location. Location...
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Internet Advertising Data

Digital Data for Internet Advertising Advertising on the internet has become more sophisticated, targeted and effective than just a few years ago. Today, most advertisers dedicate a big porting...
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Having the ability to reach your targeted audience wherever and however they engage with your brand—and provide a seamless experience—is omni-channel marketing at its best. Omni-Channel Marketing at it’s...
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Datastream Touch Platform

Datastream Touch Platform is our powerful ad management system designed to strategically distribute ads to mobile apps based on customer preferences, aggregated online activity and location. Mobile Marketing Strategy...
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Your offline data is a treasure trove of customer information and a critical asset for your company.Put All Your Data to Work Bringing your offline customer records together with...
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Digital Services

Helping your business to soar! Datastream Group offers a full suite of digital services that will bring your business to a higher level. Combined with our pristine data products,...
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Email Service Provider

Email Services for Customized Offerings Deliverability to inbox-guaranteed thru our Datastream360 easy to use platform for all your email marketing campaigns Today, nearly every business incorporates digital marketing as a critical...
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Custom Audience Builds

Build an Audience with Your Exact Specifications Custom Audiences for Maximum Response  The amount of data available today and the analytic tools for utilizing it makes customer profiling more...
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