Year: 2021

Maid/Hashed Email Data

Powerful Marketing Tools that Can Track Individual Email ID’s Unique Identifiers for Personalized Marketing  One of the most important developments in digital marketing has been the widespread use of Hashed Emails and Mobile Advertising ID’s (MAIDS). These “sticky” identifiers offer powerful marketing tools that can track individual email ID’s regardless of the platform they use....
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For many marketers, financial data is the single most important metric for audience development and targeting.Accurate and Up-to-Date Financial Data  If you are selling high end products or services...
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Our data

As a leader in the data services industry, The Datastream Group sets the standard for data integrity.Accuracy and Hygiene STRINGENT HYGIENE FOR THE CLEANEST DATA At Datastream Group we...
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The Datastream Group onedb is our unique data product that combines our top databases together and includes datapoint from every record. With over 300 million records, onedb provides a single source...
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Data Append/Enhance

Databases are dynamic and keeping them up-to-date is a challenge. Enrich Your Existing Data Your in-house file is likely created from a variety of sources that don’t collect or...
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Our Data

As a leader in the data services industry, The Datastream Group sets the standard for data integrity. Online Data TARGET DOWN TO THE INDIVIDUAL LEVEL Datastream Groups’ online data...
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