Year: 2022


Deliverability to inbox-guaranteed thru our Datastream 360 easy to use platform for all your email marketing campaigns Overall, email marketing is a cost-effective marketing opportunity and has long delivered the highest ROI for marketing, over TV, social media, and paid search. You can make use of personalized recommendations for customers, especially couple with other multi-channel...
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Datastream’s Ethnic Coding Multicultural Marketing

Maximize precision to multi-cultural direct and digital marketing campaigns Datastream Group ethnic coding solution provides an innovative set of database marketing resources designed to bring maximum precision to multi-cultural...
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Online Data

We process up to 600 million consumer records every day, many of which have hashed e-mails linked to them. Datastream Groups’ Online Data Covers Over 90% of All the...
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Strong Sources For Rich Automotive Data

Reach Your Customers Where and When They are Buying Automotive The Datastream Group has been deeply engaged with automotive data resources for decades. We’ve developed strong relationships with our...
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Datastream’s Multicultural Super File

The most accurate multi-cultural marketing data available. The need to accurately identify—and create authentic experiences for multicultural audiences is greater than ever with over 42% of Americans not caucasian....
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B2B Data Append

Deliver a meaningful brand experience and drive higher conversions by enriching customer and prospect profiles with data and person-level insights. For Strong Marketing Campaigns, Enrich Your Existing Data Your...
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