The most accurate multi-cultural marketing data available.

The need to accurately identify—and create authentic experiences for multicultural audiences is greater than ever with over 42% of Americans not caucasian. Datastream Group compiles the world’s most robust multicultural database including audiences such as African American, Asian and Hispanic. Our team uses its expertise in data modeling and analytics to identify your perfect audience. We execute highly targeted campaigns across our proprietary platforms and the most effective marketing channels.



A Source You Can Trust

Across the country and across the globe leading brands and top-tier ad agencies rely on our data every day to make the crucial decisions that drive their businesses. Consumer data, business data, lifestyle, and cultural data are all available from Datastream, your trusted source for data and multicultural campaigns. Our proprietary compiled file is proven to produce the most accurate multi-cultural marketing data available. Unlike others who simply aggregated data, we compile and process billions of records through a stringent 120-point hygiene and verification process.


Our Platform
  • Take a much deeper look at your core audiences & like-minded individuals
  • Enrich your data files or use our diversity platforms to segment your audience
  • Build personalized campaigns based on ethnicity, beliefs & hundreds of other traits’
  • Scale your inclusive campaigns to reach a much more diverse audience