Email Services for Customized Offerings

Deliverability to inbox-guaranteed thru our Datastream360 easy to use platform for all your email marketing campaigns

Today, nearly every business incorporates digital marketing as a critical element of their overall growth model and for many companies, customer data has become an extremely valuable asset. Email marketing can play a crucial role as it enables you to create a one-to-one relationship with individual customers, reinforce branding and value messaging and deliver customized offerings based on behavioral attributes. Datastream Group provides complete email services that will bring your business to the next level.

Email Verification
Effective email marketing starts with a clean and verified list. Industry research has shown that over 20% of email address will go bad within one year. Don’t let bad email addresses bring down your marketing effectiveness and lower your ROI! Datastream Group provides bulk email verification services that will help you reach more customers and at a much lower cost than you might expect.Our bulk email verification services will:

  • Check for Formatting and Syntax Errors
  • Verify Domain and Server
  • Confirm Mailbox Addresses
  • Provide Clear Reporting



  • The Datastream Group Email Services program is designed to be much more than just an outbound service. It integrates with your overall sales process and allows for effective “after the click” activities. Just some of the functions include:Provide creative services for emails, landing pages and web forms
  • Subject line testing that work to increase open rates
  • Visitor ID and tracking
  • Behavior based automations
  • Notifications
  • Lead scores