Digital Data for Internet Advertising

Advertising on the internet has become more sophisticated, targeted and effective than just a few years ago. Today, most advertisers dedicate a big porting of their total marketing budgets to reach their audiences where they spend an ever-increasing part of their day—on the internet.

Your Audience on Every Channel

At Datastream Group our digital data will power-up every internet advertising program you employ. Select one of our existing lists or structure a targeted audience for delivering your online display ads. Append and enhance your current database with behavioral and browsing data we’ve collected on your target audience.

Our internet advertising data can help in every channel including:

  • Banner/Display Ads
  • Social Media Ads
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Native Advertising
  • Remarketing/Retargeting
  • Email Marketing

Utilize our hashed emails and MAIDS to support your sequential marketing efforts and enrich your omni-channel experience.