Powerful Marketing Tools that Can Track Individual Email ID’s

Unique Identifiers for Personalized Marketing 

One of the most important developments in digital marketing has been the widespread use of Hashed Emails and Mobile Advertising ID’s (MAIDS). These “sticky” identifiers offer powerful marketing tools that can track individual email ID’s regardless of the platform they use. Hashed emails and MAIDS can track where that ID goes on the web, behaviors that occur like link clicks, online purchases, browser searches, file downloads and more. That’s powerful information marketers crave.


Actionable Data Enhancement 

Datastream Group utilizes hashed emails and MAIDS in a powerful way by incorporating behavioral activities into our data products. Our clients gain insight they can use to develop personal one-to-one marketing relationships. Hashed emails and MAIDS can be used as powerful filters that zero-in not only on demographics but behavioral activity as well. By integrating this collected intelligence with our existing databases, Datastream Group can offer the ability to target individuals digitally, or extend that reach offline through postal delivery or telemarketing efforts.Our opt-in dataset includes 340 million individuals paired with email addresses, IP address and timestamps. Our Device ID Dataset features 80 million ongoing monthly feeds paired with hashed emails, IP address and timestamp. We also control 330 million Device ID’s matched to consumers.